Rhoden House - MDM Design Studio
MDM Design Studio is a custom builder located in Birmingham, AL. Get your dream home decor designed for your custom space with the help of MDM Design Studio, and see your vision come to life.
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Rhoden House

Modern White Oak Kitchen with Living Room view

The Rhoden house was and to an extent still an ongoing project that showcases great design by Paul Bates Architecture and Betsy Brown Inc. We have produced so many pieces in this house its almost hard to remember them all. The beginning stages of the project entailed doing all the cabinetry in the house including the white oak kitchen, the fluted master bath, closets, and reclaimed oak and steel built in bookcases. The furniture included many unique pieces and we seem to revisit the house every now and then with new design and build of another great addition.  The homeowner, designer, architect and craftsmen all working together to find or produce so many unique items which resulted in a one of a kind look and feel.