Canterbury Road - MDM Design Studio
MDM Design Studio is a custom builder located in Birmingham, AL. Get your dream home decor designed for your custom space with the help of MDM Design Studio, and see your vision come to life.
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Canterbury Road

The Canterbury Road project was quite a special house. The house, designed by Paul Bates Architects, featured incredible sight lines, numerous subtle yet effective details, and an amazing family pool area surrounded by yhe house itself creating a private getaway. Philip Woods Home Builders was in charge of the build. The interiors were handled by Liz Hand Woods Interiors who worked seamlessly within the architectural theme of the house. We produced all cabinetry in the house including the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, office, a closet like few have seen along with quite a few great furniture pieces. Quartersawn white oak was used throughout with splashes, big and small, of black walnut and steel on the furniture that created a great visual contrast.  The overall effect created by everyone was a great balance of some traditional details and modern simplicity, all sharing a constant of fine craftsmanship.